Blackgang Chine Video Collection

Home - Crossbones Adventure Island and Pirate Fort


Blackgang Chine - Crossbones Adventure Play Island

Climb the rigging and crack open the treasure chest at the Pirate Fort, or run wild over at Crossbones Adventure Island, with a network of rope bridges, slides and nets.

Blackgang Chine - Crossbones Play Area and Pirate Fort

Attractions Nearby

Pirate Fort
Soar down the zipwire, climb up to the crow's nest, walk the plank, descend down the slides, or find the hidden compass directions around the fort, and then enter them into the magic compass to crack open the treasure chest full of priceless jewels.

Blackgang Chine - Pirate Fort

      Blackgang Chine - Moby Dick's Revenge

Blackgang Chine - Moby Dick's Revenge

Adventure Island

Blackgang Chine - Crossbones Adventure Island

  Let off steam at the helm of the pirate play area, with a huge array of rope swings, bridges, slides, swings and nets, perfect for children to climb, crawl under and swing across. There's also some lovely benches for adults to sit down on for that well-earned rest!    
After a visit to the Pirate Fort, why not try and creep through Jonah's whale without being squirted by water!

Moby Dick's Revenge is a challenge for adults and children alike! Will you get wet inside? Walk through and you'll find out!

Pirate Fort Clips


Crossbones Clips


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   Want to visit the park?  Call at for admission cost and opening times.